How to display a dialog with Apache Cordova


I wanted to display a dialog in my application *1 to show text of OSS (Open Source Software) licenses. So I read the official site *2 and tried to show a dialog but I got stuck again.

Where do I need to execute commands?

The official site says that

% cordova plugin add

But I did not know where the command should be executed. After some tests, I found that the command should be executed in the top level folder of the Apache Cordova project. I checked the plugin folder to make sure that the feature has been installed in this project.

% ls plugins
android.json    org.apache.cordova.core.dialogs/

Moreover I also checked the android platform folder like below.

% cd platforms/android/assets/www
% cat cordova_plugins.xml
cordova.define('cordova/plugin_list', function(require, exports, module) {
module.exports = [
        "file": "plugins/org.apache.cordova.core.dialogs/www/notification.js",
        "id": "org.apache.cordova.core.dialogs.notification",
        "merges": [
        "file": "plugins/org.apache.cordova.core.dialogs/www/android/notification.js",
        "id": "org.apache.cordova.core.dialogs.notification_android",
        "merges": [
% cd ../..
% cat src/org/apache/cordova/dialogs/

OK! I was ready to build this project and did it successfully. Of cource I could show the dialog.


I also checked files under plugins folder and I found that the source files of the plugin have been installed there.

% ls plugins/org.apache.cordova.core.dialogs/src
android/        blackberry10/   ios/            windows8/       wp/
% ls plugins/org.apache.cordova.core.dialogs/src/*


CDVNotification.bundle/ CDVNotification.h       CDVNotification.m


Notification.cs                 NotificationBox.xaml.cs
NotificationBox.xaml            notification-beep.wav

And I understood that the file under android platform folders was installed to the platform which I want to build. It is very nice system!